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NDIS Housing Investment 

Information for Suppliers & Investors

NDIS PROPERTY AUSTRALIA  (NPA) offers a fresh approach to providing Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).

We collaborate with investors, property developers, builders, SDA and SIL providers, support coordinators, and carers to create SDA homes that are truly "fit for purpose" for NDIS participants.

With NPA, participants—whether they already have SDA funding or are in the process of securing it—can confidently access SDA housing, knowing they will be supported every step of the way.

A woman in a wheelchair is sitting at a desk with a laptop and a computer.

We’re here to assist you and your business in the SDA sector. The SDA market can be complex and is often not well understood, which is why we work exclusively with experienced businesses to create a seamless end-to-end supply chain.

We bring together trusted suppliers who have proven experience in building, designing, and providing supports for NDIS participants. Our focus is always on the customer, ensuring that participants have the choice and control they need in their housing solutions.

New Pricing Arrangements for SDA 2023-2024

The Specialist Disability Accommodation Pricing Review 2022-2023, the NDIA's first major SDA price review in five years, was announced in June 2023.

The NDIA review panel of independent experts considered submissions from a variety of stakeholders, including participants, peak organisations, builders and developers of SDA, institutional investors, SDA Providers, and governments.

The 2016-2017 Pricing methodology used to calculate the initial Annual SDA amounts for New Build SDA residences was reviewed.

Subsequently, the benchmark SDA amount has changed significantly, with some reductions in HPS apartment prices but significant increases in most other build and design types, up to 159.6% as shown in the chart.

This pricing will be implemented on October 1, 2023, but retroactive to July 1.

New Builds that claimed GST input tax credits before July 1, 2023, will likewise benefit from the price rises.

Learn more about it
A national disability insurance scheme pricing arrangements for specialist disability accommodation


Total Participants in NDIS


SDA Funded Participants


SDA Funded Participants by 2032


Existing & Legacy SDA Dwellings


New Build SDA Dwellings (enrolled & pipeline)


Additional New Build SDA dwellings needed by 2032 (if phasing out all Existing and Legacy Dwellings)

Demand for Specialist Disability Accommodation

Demand for specialist disability accommodation is expected to increase by almost five times the existing supply within the next eight years.

And that is without even factoring in the need to replace existing and legacy dwellings no longer suitable for the needs of SDA participants.

Download SDA Supply & Demand Data

Investment in NDIS Housings

To support Australians with disabilities, the federal government established the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) program to encourage private investment in the NDIS housing market, aiming to ensure enough new residential properties are built for inclusion in the scheme. With its strong ethical and social objectives at the core, SDA properties offer up to a 15% annual gross yield, while still providing opportunities for long-term capital growth—something that has proven attractive to investors in the Australian residential property market.

Investment advisor speaks on NDIS Housing

Two men are sitting on a couch in a living room looking at a laptop.

"The SDA market is driven by the preferences and needs of NDIS participants, which will foster innovation in well-designed SDA homes that are in the right location.. SDA investment  is certainly worth exploring."

We can offer you a range of NDIS housing investment options, based on the properties which are being developed and built specifically to be SDA-compliant. We can also connect you with relevant professionals to guide you through the process of completing a purchase as well as finding tenants for your NDIS property once completed. We also can provide you with all the government regulations, and standards as well as financial benefits and risks.

We can offer you a range of NDIS housing investment options, based on the properties which are being developed and built specifically to be SDA compliant And connect you with relevant professionals to guide you through the process of completing a purchase as well as finding tenants for your NDIS property once completed. We also can provide you with all the government regulations, and standards as well as financial benefits and risks.

Available Properties

Why should you Invest in NDIS Housing?

Investing in NDIS housing can be a tough process to navigate and require research, but it can also bring a substantial return on investment. NDIS Housing Investments provide a number of benefits, including:

  • The government has committed to funding SDA homes for 20 years, ensuring that SDA-funded NDIS housing participants have access to suitable housing. This means that SDA payments are backed by the Australian Government for 20 years, with the potential for an extension beyond that timeframe.
  • There are tens of thousands of Australians with disabilities who are currently awaiting suitable accommodation.
  • The severe shortage of NDIS housing reduces the likelihood of your property remaining vacant.
  • Additionally, the risk of vacancy is further minimized because people with disabilities tend to be long-term tenants.
A woman in a wheelchair is sitting in a kitchen.

Our service comprises in-depth collaborative advice and joint venture work with NDIS housing builders and NDIS housing providers, which results in complete project management of the SDA transaction for our clients from start to finish.

Expression of Interest

How to invest in NDIS Housing?

As a relatively new investment market, many people are unfamiliar with NDIS housing and how to begin investing.

Our team simplifies the NDIS housing investment process for each investor, helping them make more informed and confident decisions.

  • Investors

    NPA can assist you to access the NDIS housing investment using our supply chain network within the SDA market. We reduce the risks of investing in this niche market by ensuring we help you build to match the demand for locations, specific building types and design categories.

  • Developers/Builders

    We have relationships with buyer networks all over Australia, and our team travels to all interstate locations on a regular basis. 

    As property experts in Specialist Disability Accommodation, we are uniquely positioned to connect your SDA stock to investors across Australia looking to invest in the NDIS. This assists with your presales to get your project off the ground, or if you are nearing the end of your project construction, we can find a takeout buyer for you to exit as a developer.

    Speak with us about how we can collaborate.

  • Providers

    NPA helps you deliver housing outcomes to your Participants by connecting you to a network of leading, supply chain businesses that gives you the power to be able to offer ‘choice & control’ to your Participants.

Tell us how we can help you

Expression of Interest
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