The Specialist Disability Accommodation Pricing Review 2022-2023, the NDIA's first major SDA price review in five years, was announced in June 2023.
The NDIA review panel of independent experts considered submissions from a variety of stakeholders, including participants, peak organisations, builders and developers of SDA, institutional investors, SDA Providers, and governments.
The 2016-2017 Pricing methodology used to calculate the initial Annual SDA amounts for New Build SDA residences was reviewed.
Subsequently, the benchmark SDA amount has changed significantly, with some reductions in HPS apartment prices but significant increases in most other build and design types, up to 159.6% as shown in the chart.
This pricing will be implemented on October 1, 2023, but retroactive to July 1.
New Builds that claimed GST input tax credits before July 1, 2023, will likewise benefit from the price rises.