ndis property australia
The logo for ndis property australia disability housing specialists

SDA For Sale

This is only a small selection of our stock. Please contact us for more options.

Different SDA Product Types

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Dwelling Types Funded as SDA

A square icon with the word apartment written inside of it.
A picture of a building with the number of residents on it.
A square with the word house written inside of it.
An icon of a house with two residents and three residents.
The logo for townhouse villas duplex has a yellow frame around it.
A picture of a house with three houses and three residents.
A diagram of the sda process is shown on a white background

The Gordon – Footscray SDA Apartment Development

Example High Physical Support Unit

Take a look through one of our SDA homes in Brisbane

  • We provide custom-designed SDA homes that are "fit for purpose" for participants to live in them. so it's important to understand that our specialist team will investigate the availability of land and offer a tailored SDA housing solution before purchasing."

  • We design desirable and livable SDA homes. With stylish, versatile, spacious designs and modern features that are fully functional.

  • Location is a major consideration with NDIS housing, and we ensure that our properties are close to public transport, medical services, and shopping areas. They're situated in desirable communities where residents will feel safe.
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