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Disability Housing Videos

Welcome to our Disability Housing Video page! Here you will find videos related to NDIS and SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) homes. These videos will help prospective SDA property investors and NDIS participants learn about SDA housing, various SDA home types, how the SDA funding works, and the process of applying for SDA funding.

These videos can help investors to make more informed decisions about their SDA property investment.

We have a range of videos featuring stories of NDIS participants who live in SDA homes, and videos providing the participants with the foundational knowledge of SDA funding.

Whether you are an investor looking to invest in NDIS housing or an NDIS participant wanting to learn more about NDIS housing, we hope these videos will be a valuable resource for you.

SILosophy Episode 3 - Building SIL Homes

4-bed High Physical Support SDA home in Ipswich: Walkthrough

The ins and outs of residential investing through an SMSF

SDA Mastery - Episode 4 with Tania Gomez

SDA Mastery - Episode 1 with Tania Gomez

SDA Mastery - Episode 3 with Tania Gomez

Investing in SDA

SDA Opportunities in Sydney

What is SDA?

Can I live in SDA?

How does support work in SDA?

How do I get SDA funding?

Welcome to my own SDA apartment

Saorsa Prestige Apartments walkthrough

Australian Lives Changing due to cuts to NDIS

From RAC to SDA

Young People with Disabilities Trapped in Aged Care

Linda offers her advice on looking for SDA

NDIS SDA Story: Shania's Brilliant House

Support Coordination - What is a support coordinator?

Interview with Minister Linda Reynolds

Bill Shorten discusses the changes flagged in the NDIS review

Uncomfortable questions about the NDIS need answers


An Unbiased Guide To NDIS Property Investing Australia

Care Housing SDA Home Tour

Getting the NDIS Back on Track - NDIS Amendment 2024

Successes and failures of the NDIS | ABC News

NDIS Review Urges Government To Make Huge Changes

SDA Mastery - Episode 5 with Tania Gomez

SDA Mastery - Episode 2 with Tania Gomez

Participant Funding Process for SDA

SDA in Perth Webinar with Nirvana Lifestyles

Where can I live?

Who pays for SDA?

Are there different types of SDA?

How to Manage your NDIS Plan

High Physical Support SDA Home in Brisbane

What is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

The NDIS should listen to you, not the other way around

Annual Public Forum 2020

Michelle Newland's Housing Journey

NDIS Stories - Finding a place to call home

APF Event 2019 - How long is too long?

Support Coordination - Exploring housing options

The Future for the NDIS with Dr George Taleporos

David Spears interviews NDIS Minister Bill Shorten

NDIS Webinar With Brad Fuller Hosted By Raymond Hempstead

Q+A: The NDIS & Eligibility

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